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Case Report

IJMDC. 2021; 5(3): 977-981

A giant juvenile fibroadenoma in a 16-year-old girl: a case report

Nasib Al Shibli.


Background: Fibroadenoma is the most benign tumor of the breast among females younger than 30 years of age.
Case Presentation: We present the case of a Saudi girl in the adolescent age of 16-years. The girl was complaining of a Palpable lump in her left breast with no nipple discharge or skin changing. The patient had no significant gynecological complaints before, and her first-degree family medical history was negative for cancer. Physical examination revealed a large mass located in the upper medial quarter. Examination by ultrasound revealed a hypoechoic lobulated mass seen in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast. The patient was directed for surgery for mass removal without performing a trucut biopsy as per the family’s and her desire. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia through the periareolar incision for the cosmetic outcome.
Conclusion: Identification of cancerous mass from benign mass should be made for the best management. Surgical management for giant juvenile fibroadenoma is effective with good outcomes and with no adverse outcomes noted.

Key words: Fibroadenoma, lump, adolescent girl.

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