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Case Report

Mandibula Marginal Resection Reinforced with a Reconstruction Plate for Management of Plexiform Ameloblastoma: Case Report

Albertin Jane Tanusantoso, Andri Hardianto, Winarno Priyanto, Kiki Achmad Rizki.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumour that is locally invasive with a high recurrence rate. The management principle of ameloblastoma is the radical resection of the tumour because it could reduce the risk of recurrence. Case report: A 54-year-old female patient with a chief complained of a lump in the left mandible 2 years ago. The lump was initially about the size of a green bean which was getting bigger. A biopsy was done on the patient and diagnosed with plexiform ameloblastoma, then the patient was treated for mandibula marginal resection reinforced with a reconstruction plate. Discussion: Clinical examination and investigations in ameloblastoma are important to determine the appropriate treatment. At the time of the marginal resection of this patient, a pathological fracture was found so that the remaining healthy tissue was reinforced with a reconstruction plate. Conclusion: Ameloblastoma treatment can radically reduce the risk of recurrence, the addition of a reconstruction plate can be used to strengthen the remaining healthy tissue and dental prostheses is carried out for the restoration of function and aesthetics.

Key words: Ameloblastoma, Marginal Resection, Radical Treatment

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