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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1176-1184

Indonesian secondary teachers’ creative teaching

M. Nur Mustafa, Hermandra, Zulhafizh, Riyan Hidayat.


Weak-quality curriculum and instruction, educators’ negative views in developing creativity, and a lack of educator flexibility, independency, and well-certified professional development are known as some barriers to implement creative teaching. The present study investigates the convergent, construct and discriminant validity of creative teaching instrument. Moreover, the present study explores the issue of teachers’ creative teaching in Indonesian secondary schools by focusing on types of subject (science and social study). We followed a survey research design, using simple random sampling. A total of 150 students, which comprise 65 (43.3%) science teacher (physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology)) and 85 (56.7%) social science teacher (economics, geography, English, Indonesian language, sociology) in secondary school, have finished the questionnaire. The 30 (20%) are male teachers, 120 (80%) are female teachers. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) are carried out to analyze the data sample. EFA showed that the teachers’ data included a six-factor structure: instructional designs; curiosity; creative thinking; imaginative utilization; problem solving; and excursion. The outputs of secondary-order CFA indicated that the hypocritical model provided an suitable fit to data sample. Finally, results of the present study reveal a not significant difference in creative teaching among groups. However, significant differences of imagination sub constructs were observed between science and social science teachers.

Key words: exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), creative teaching, secondary school teaching.

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