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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1193-1204

Improving the positive behavior of primary school students with the gamification tool "ClassDojo"

Güldeniz Kaplan, Yusuf İslam Bolat, İdris Göksu, Faysal Özdaş.


The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the ClassDojo tool on students' attitudes towards English courses and to reveal students' and parents' opinions about how it affects student behavior. This study has been conducted in a village school located in Turkey's Mardin province, and the data has been collected from 30 primary school students and 19 parents. The process related to the attitude variable has been carried out with a pre-test post-test single-group experimental pattern. The data for how ClassDojo affects student behaviors has been obtained by defining related in-class behaviors on the tool weekly as a result of the observation made by the teacher. Furthermore, the views of students and parents regarding ClassDojo and its influence on behavior has been collected through questionnaires consisting of closed-ended items. The data related to attitude has been analyzed with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and the views have been presented descriptively. The results revealed that ClassDojo affects the students' attitudes towards English course significantly negative. On the other hand, both students and parents expressed positive views about ClassDojo, and it has been demonstrated that this application contributed significantly to students' positive behaviors.

Key words: ClassDojo, gamification, positive behavior, attitude, behavior management

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