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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1226-1237

The Application of Item Response Theory in Analysis of Characteristics of Mathematical Literacy Test Items

Sintha Sih Dewanti, Samsul Hadi, Mulin Nu’man, Ibrahim.


This study aims to analyze the mathematical literacy abilities of students using IRT with the GPCM approach. The results of the model compatibility test show that the GPCM is suitable for analyzing mathematical literacy test instruments with 4 levels of mathematical literacy. The results of the item parameter estimation show that there is 1 level of mathematical literacy which has a high category for item discrimination, while the other 3 levels have a medium category. Based on item difficulty levels, 1 level of mathematical literacy has a difficult category, while 3 levels have easy categories. Most students are at the level of ability 0 < θ < 1, and there are 52% of students above the average mathematical literacy. Based on the test information function and the standard error shows that the mathematical literacy instrument is suitable for students with the ability -2 < θ < -0.5.

Key words: Mathematical literacy, Characteristics of items, IRT, GPCM

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