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The Effect of Raising Basic Reproductive Health Awareness on the Knowledge of Female University Students

Sebnem Alanya Tosun, Ilkin Seda Can, Muhammet Bulut.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: This survey was conducted to determine the change in knowledge, opinions, and attitudes about reproductive health after increasing their awareness of basic reproductive health by a training seminar in the first-fourth year university students.
Materials and methods: Of the total 1200 students, 154 participated in the descriptive study. The data were obtained by a questionnaire prepared and applied by researchers before and after the training seminar on basic reproductive health under observation. The students who participated in the study were divided into two groups according to their age group as ≤20 and >20 years. Questionnaire data were evaluated and their correct answers were calculated.
Results: The mean value of correct answers after the training seminar was significantly higher than that before the training seminar (p20 years-old students, the median value of correct answers after the training seminar was significantly higher than those before the training seminar (p20-years-old students (p20-years-old students were found comparable (p>0,05).
Conclusion: The findings of the current study revealed that increasing awareness about basic reproductive health provided considerable improvement in their knowledge about reproductive health parameters. Regular meetings with university students can improve their knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health.

Key words: Reproductive health; university student; knowledge; opinion; attitude; menstruation

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