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Comparison of efficacy of the deep back massage method with and without Al-Fatihah for pain management in primigravida during active first stage of labor

Siti Khadijah, Mhd. Riza Marjoni.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Labor pain is a common physiological condition experienced by women during childbirth. Labor pain can have a negative effect on the process of labor if not treated properly. One of the methods of reducing labor pain is deep back massage and distraction. The recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah is believed to reduce pain during childbirth.

Aim and Objective: The objective of research was to determine the difference in the effectiveness of the deep back massage method with Al-Fatihah and without Al-Fatihah in reducing pain intensity in primigravidas during active first stage of labor at BPM Bunda, Bukittinggi, in 2016.

Materials and Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design. The population of this research was primigravidas during the active stage of labor. A sample of 20 women was taken using purposive sampling technique. Ten respondents were given deep back massage method without Al-Fatihah recitation and the other 10 with Al-Fatihah recitation. The data were collected through interviews and observations, and analyzed using the paired t-test.

Results: The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the deep back massage method without Al-Fatihah recitation and a reduction in labor pain, with P = 0.001 and a mean difference between before and after experiments. Analysis of the deep back massage method with Al-Fatihah recitation showed a reduction in labor pain with P = 0.000 and a mean difference between before and after experiments.

Conclusions: Deep back massage method with Al-Fatihah recitation is more effective in reducing pain intensity in pregnant women during active first stage of labor.

Key words: Al-Fatihah; Deep Back Massage; Labor Pain; Childbirth

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