This study was carried out in selected poultry farms to determine the prevalence, distribution and antimicrobial resistance patterns in Salmonella serovars in Ogun State, South-western Nigeria. A total of 200 faecal samples were aseptically collected from the four geographical zones of Ogun State, Nigeria. Seventy-eight Salmonella isolates spread across 39 serovars and representing a prevalence of 39% was recovered. Salmonella Urbana (n=7), Salmonella Kingston (n=6) and Salmonella Agama (n=5) serovars were more commonly isolated. Resistance was most common to ciprofloxacin (29.5%; n=23/78). Multi-drug resistance (MDR) was observed in 15.4% (n=12/78) of the isolates spread across 7 serovars: S. Kentucky, S. Telelkebir, S. Virchow, S. Blockley, S. Chomedey, S. Haifa, and S. Isangi. The study showed the diversity of Salmonella serovars and the increasing trend of antimicrobial resistance in poultry farms in Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria.
Key words: Antimicrobial-resistance, Chicken, Multi-drug resistance, Nigeria, Salmonella