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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4185-4199

Islam and Human rights

Dr. Badshah Rehman, Dr. Aftab Ahmad, Dr. Muhammad Ifzal Mehmood.


Islam is such a perfect religion which covers all the areas of life in which respect for
humans, human social, educational, cultural, national and economic needs and
requirements have been fully respected. Islam has given such a big importance to human
rights if one human did not paid a right of other human in this world he will be punished
for this at the Day of Judgment.
In comparison to Islam the concept of human rights presented by the west is very poor
and outdated; it is not wide enough to cover different areas of life.
A human cannot live alone in this world, rather he is forced to live with others, he must
need the support of other human beings to meet his needs and alleviate disaster and
sufferings, in this case it is the intellectual and physical right of every human to be helped
by others, to respect his rights and duties.
The present study is an attempt to provide an epilogue on human rights given in the
Qur’an and Sunnah. It is an in-depth analysis of Human Rights and dignity of person,
encompassing its various dimensions. The study is an attempt to understand the true
philosophy of human rights in Islam. It aims at providing an ethical and legal basis for
the realization of implementation of human rights in the world states in general and in the
Muslim states in particular.

Key words: Islam, Human Rights, Quran

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