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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(4): 243-248

Preparation and assessment of microbial property of resin based composites impregnated with proanthocyanidin and titanium dioxide

Mumtaz ul Islam,Sardar Muhammad,Fazal Ghani.


Objectives: To prepare three experimental resin based composites (RBCs) out of a commercial RBC (Control) by impregnating into each a fixed weight (0.01%) of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and three different weight % (0.01, 0.02 and 0.03) of proanthocyanidin (PA) and to compare antibacterial property, from the zones of inhibition of streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), of the specimen restorations made in the experimental and control RBCs.
Materials and methods: In the first phase, Streptococcus mutans were isolated and identified from the oral cavity of patients and identified on the basis of morphogenic appearance of colonies and confirmed through catalase test and microscopic examination. Isolates were then incubated and cultured for sensitivity. Specimens for control and experimental RBCs were made through a metallic mold having 2mm thickness and 5mm diameter for all the 4 groups. Specimen restorations made in the commercial as supplied RBC acted as the control (Group A). Specimen restorations in the Group B, C, and D were made in each of the experimental RBCs modified with 0.01% proanthocyanidin (PA) and 0.01% titanium dioxide (TiO2), 0.02% PA and 0.01% TiO2 and 0.03% PA and 0.01% TiO2. The antimicrobial property of all the specimen restorations in all the groups was evaluated by Bauer-Kirby (Disc Diffusion) method through the formation of zones of inhibition of S. mutans colonies on blood agar plates. Data were computed using SPSS version 21 for descriptive statistics and analyzed using one-way ANOVA with p value  0.05 taken as significant.
Results: The range of the zone of inhibition for specimen RBC restorations (N= 12) containing PA and TiO2 were 0.00 for Group A, 10-12mm for Group B, 12-14mm for Group C and 9-10mm for Group D. The mean inhibition zone for the experimental restoration specimens were 11±2mm for Group B, 12.7±1mm for Group C and 9.7±1mm for Group D compared to no inhibition zones (0.00 mm) with the control RBC Group A. The order of the inhibition zones from maximum to minimum was Group C ˃ Group B ˃ Group D > Group A respectively. The differences between the mean values for the control and the experimental RBC restoration specimens were significant (p ˂ 0.000).
Conclusion: Irrespective of the mentioned concentrations, impregnating PA and TiO2 rendered the RBC antimicrobial. RBC restorations made with the experimental RBC with 0.02% PA and 0.01% TiO2 proved relatively more effective in terms of antimicrobial effect.

Key words: dental materials, resin based dental restorations, antibacterial resin based composite, proanthocyanidin, titanium dioxide.

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