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JEAS. 2021; 8(1): 42-49

Production Of Jatropha Biodiesel In Laboratory Scale

Fathia Oshaik Ali Oshaik, Babiker Karama Abdalla, Mohammed Hassan Abuuznien, Sheimaa Elfadel Idris.

Cited by 0 Articles

The paper presents how to convert jatropha curcas oil into biodiesel in Sudan. It Concerns the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and increasing prices of oil. The negative effects of fossil fuels on the environment and on human health have necessitated the creation of sustainable biofuels that will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Biodiesel which is made from animal fats and non-edible plant oil sources is classified as a sustainable, renewable, and eco-friendly source for biofuel. The method used consisted of a two-steps process, first, the esterification then followed by the transesterification process. There were some important factors that affected biodiesel production like molar ratio, temperature, and catalyst amount. The molar ratio of oil to methanol (1:6) with 5% (weight) of NaOH concentration was examined at a reaction temperature of about 60oC. The produced biodiesel’s specifications were analyzed and addressed. Kinematics viscosity was found to be about 5.251 mm2/s at 40C0, flashpoint value was 200 C0, density obtained was 0.8852 g/cm3 at 15C0 and the cloud point was found to be +9. The produced biodiesel was characterized and compared to standards biodiesel physical and fuel properties (D6751ASTM Standards). The work presented here introduces jatropha oil as a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel and may fill the gap of diesel production in the future.

Key words: Trans-esterification; Jatropha oil; Biodiesel; renewable energy; biofuel

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