Background: Studies on the maxillary second molar teeth have reported a substantial variation in the root canal morphology and number of roots. However, the relevant data on Pakistani population is limited. Therefore, the aim of the study was to assess the variations in the root canal configuration of maxillary second permanent molars in the Pakistani subpopulation by using different clinical aids in vivo.
Methods: The Cross-sectional analytical study was conducted from April to October 2018 at the College of Dentistry, Riphah International University, Pakistan. The root canal configurations of Maxillary second molars were evaluated in 95 adult patients that presented to the Operative Department, after obtaining consent. After access cavity preparation the orifices were identified and cross checked using 2.5x magnification and different clinical tests. Data analysis was done by utilizing SPSS version 23.
Results: Out of the 95 teeth 6(6.3%) teeth had a single canal, 7(7.4%) teeth had two canals, 58(61.1%) teeth had three canals and 24(25.3%) teeth had four canals. Age-wise analysis of the frequency of different canals showed that prevalence of molars with three canals was significantly higher in the subjects with age between 41 and 50 years.
Conclusion: Overall, the study noted four morphological variations in the root canal configuration of Maxillary second molar teeth in Pakistani subpopulation. Hence, while executing the endodontic treatment in the maxillary second molars a thorough assessment of the root canal system should be carried out. The results of the study can guide Pakistani dentists.
Key words: Keywords: Permanent Maxillary second molar, Dental Morphology, Endodontics, Pakistan