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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 403-406

Development of intermittent explosive behavior scale: A reliable measure

Zaqia Bano, Muhammad Ali Shah, Iram Naz.


Objective: To develop an indigenous intermittent explosive behavior scale (IEBS) in Urdu.
Methodology: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted at Department of Psychology, University of Gujrat, Pakistan from January 15th to 30th July 2018. Initial item pool consisted on 58 items. After the expert panel review, 54 items remained. This 54 items scale was administered on 117 participants with the age range of 12 to 45 from various government and private colleges, universities and communities of Gujrat.
Results: The item total correlation confirmed 34 items in scale. The Exploratory factor analysis confirmed six factors by eliminating 7 non-significant items. 17 items were considered reliable in confirmatory factor analysis with the CFI above .900 after excluding 10 problematic items. The reliability of the scale was .874.
Conclusion: We developed intermittent explosive behavior scale with 17 confirmed items. This may be helpful to measure the construct in indigenous settings.

Key words: Intermittent explosive behavior, exploratory factor analysis, reliable.

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