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Review Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1335-1339

A Review of Literature on Professionalism and Motivation to Become a Professional Teacher

Rifky Aditya Ramadhan, Suharno, Chumdari.


This study aims to look at teacher professionalism and encourages teachers and pre-service teachers to become professional teachers. The quality of education is currently very much influenced by teacher professionalism and motivation and therefore it is necessary for teachers to have professionalism and motivation. This study is a review of literature which focused on collecting, analyzing, presenting, and summarizing information related to professionalism and motivation to become professional teachers. The primary sources of data were the articles that discuss professionalism and motivation to become professional teachers. The data analysis technique used was collecting articles that discuss theories and information about professionalism and motivation to become professional teachers. The data collected were in the form of notes, opinions, and researchers' interpretation of the research findings. The huge amount of data obtained were reduced by selecting relevant information that focuses on problem solving and findings to answer research questions related to professionalism and motivation to become a professional teacher. The results of this study confirm that professionalism is the level and qualification of understanding to do substantial work and motivation is required to improve the relevant competencies. It is also essential to have self-motivation and expertise to help achieve the highest standard of professionalism and motivation in the teaching profession.

Key words: Professionalism, Motivation, Professional Teacher

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