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A novel method of peripheral blood smear preparation

Prashant D Khuje, Bharti U Sable.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Peripheral blood smear (PBS) preparation using conventional wedge slide technique and staining with Leishman stain is still prescribed in medical undergraduate syllabus in physiology.

Aims and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to overcome some technical errors such as cross-striations and Rouleaux formation encountered during conventional method.

Materials and Methods: 20 PBS were prepared by present method of diluting whole blood with 0.9% NaCl using white blood cell (WBC) pipette, preparing smear using smooth edged spreader inclined at an angle of 60° followed by staining with Leishman’s stain.

Results: Statistical analysis by Fisher’s exact test revealed that 19 PBS prepared by present method showed uniformly thin film without cross-striations against 16 in controls which was statistically insignificant (P = 0.3416) (P > 0.05). 18 PBS prepared by modified method showed evenly distributed red blood cells and scattered WBCs without Rouleaux formation against 11 in controls which was statistically significant (P = 0.031) (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: Present method might be considered as simple and easy method of preparation of fairly ideal PBS as it overcame some errors encountered during conventional method such as cross-striations and Rouleaux formation.

Key words: Manual Method; Peripheral Blood Smear; Novel Method

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