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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2852-2858

Socio-Economic Exploitation Of Girl Child In Child Labour: An Empirical Study

Ravi Rameshrao Dandge.


Premature consumption rather than prudent saving are the hallmarks of Girl child labor in many regions of India. As with the preservation of oil, timber or other natural resources, conservation is economically vital to civilization. According to this study, the socio-economic status of India's female children is being examined, as are their abusers and how they are exploited. For this objective, 340 working children in different vocational groups were surveyed. The findings demonstrate that in India, child labor abuses against girls are still prevalent. Because of issues including poverty, illiteracy, limited educational resources, and employment in the unorganized agricultural sector, a large majority of female child laborers fail to attend school on a regular basis.

Key words: Child Labour, Socio-economic exploitation, poverty, financial burden, etc.

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