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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2859-2866

Government Of India Initiatives Towards Education During Covid-19

Debasish Das.


In the wake of the recent outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the human inventions' health infrastructure has been revealed to be compromised, forcing nearly all countries, including India, to shut down their social, economic, and educational activities. Education systems across the globe were affected by this situation, which forced educators to switch to an online mode of teaching overnight. To address this challenge, the government of India, along with state governments and private players, has taken numerous initiatives to provide children with quality education during the COVID-19 outbreak. This paper is an attempt to study the efforts of government of India to continue education during the COVID-19 crisis.

Key words: COVID-19, education, India, online mode of teaching etc.

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