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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2021; 19(4): 150-159

Endogenous and seasonal factors influencing circulating thyrotropin concentration in Red Sokoto and Sahel goats

B Habibu, MU Kawu, T Aluwong, HJ Makun, LS Yaqub, HU Buhari & A Saleh.


Through regulating thyroid physiology, thyrotropin influences the activities of thyroid hormones, including thermogenesis and adaptation to ambient thermal challenges. This study aimed at evaluating the influences of some endogenous factors (breed, sex, age and body mass index; BMI) and season on circulating thyrotropin concentration in Red Sokoto and Sahel goats. A total of 120 goats were sampled, comprising Red Sokoto (n = 20) and Sahel (n = 20) goats in each season during the peak of the cold-dry (CDS), hot-dry (HDS) and rainy (RAS) seasons in a tropical Savannah climate. Results revealed that among Red Sokoto goats, bucks had significantly higher (P

Key words: Age, Breed, Body mass index, Sex, Thyroid-stimulating hormone

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