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Study to assess insulin injection practices and awareness among type 2 diabetic patients in a government tertiary care center

Manjula M J, Nalini G K, Bindu C B.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Approximately 63 million population are suffering from Diabetics in India. Insulin is mandatory for type 1 diabetes and is frequently required in type 2 diabetes as the disease progresses. More than 30% of all diabetics use insulin either singly or in combination with oral antidiabetic drugs. Insulin therapy requires coordination and understanding of both the individuals with diabetes mellitus and those who are responsible for to give care to the diabetic patients.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to know the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding insulin in type-2 diabetic patients, to identify variables that affect their knowledge, attitude, and practice level, and to know the adherence to insulin injection.

Materials and Methods: A total of 150 patients of either sex, who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, attending the non-communicable disease clinic at Hassan Insulin Medical Sciences for insulin therapy were included in the study. Oral consent was taken. Validated questionnaire which had set of questions related to knowledge, attitude, and practice about insulin injection and its administration technique was given to them. Demographic data of each patient were noted down. Data was analysed by descriptive analysis.

Results: Out of 150, 90 participants were 60 years of age. Among them, 28 males and 32 females were found. 0–5 years: 54 participants were suffering from diabetes for 0–5 years, 58 participants for 5–10 years, and 38 participants for more than 10 years. Male participants had better knowledge about newer insulin devices and different types of insulin compared to females. Approximately 68% of the patients were following all the steps of insulin administration. Nearly 12% were maintaining storage criteria while transporting insulin with them. Around 32.33% of the patients were disposing the used syringe and vials appropriate way.

Conclusion: Although the major portion of the patients has good knowledge about storage of the insulin, only few are practicing. Hence, the regular training programs are much needed. Conducting health awareness programs at rural areas might improve the practices among patients and also caregivers.

Key words: Knowledge about Insulin Injection; Insulin Injection Practice, Insulin Injection Storage and Disposal

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