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Letter to the Editor

tjtfp. 2021; 12(1): 50-54

The Relationship between Pay and Care Burden in Patients with Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)

Mehmet Hamdi Örüm, Gökhan Gökpınar.

Cited by 0 Articles

The frequency of dementia, which is a neuropsychiatric disease, increases with advancing age and brings caregiving problems with it. There are many studies related to caregiver burden in dementia in the world and in our country. Although there are various studies conducted in western societies about the relationship of paid caregiving with caregiver burden, there are no studies conducted in this line in our province. Our aim in this study is to compare caregiving burden and depression in paid caregivers with those who are not paid and reveal the related factors.

Key words: Dementia, caregiver burden, depression, paid caregiver

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