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Follow-up of bacterial and physicochemical quality of water during live transportation of Climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) in Bangladesh

Md. Mubarack Hossain, A N M Rezvi Kaysar Bhuiyan, Md. Anwar Hossain, Md. Naim Uddin, Md. Ismail Hossain, Md. Nurul Haider.


This study was conducted to evaluate the changes in viable count of bacteria and physicochemical parameters, and their correlations in the changing pattern during live transportation of climbing perch, (Anabas testudineus). Investigations were conducted in three live fish supply channels of Bangladesh, started from Mymensingh to Dhaka (Channel 1), Mymensingh to Sylhet (Channel 2), and from Mymensingh to Rajshahi (Channel 3) where it took nearly 6 hrs in Channel 1, 8 h in Channel 2 and 8 hr in Channel 3 for the live fish to reach the unloading points of destination. Viable count of bacteria and physicochemical parameters, such as temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and ammonia were recorded from 0 hr with 2 hr interval during transportation. The viable count of bacteria in water increased several folds from the initial values and showed a regrowth within the system. In all the supply channels, water temperature and pH were more or less stable with the headway of the transportation, but remarkable differences were observed in the concentrations of DO and ammonia. Although the initial (0 h) DO level was varying among the supply channels, a decreasing trend was observed at the end in every channel. On the other hand, ammonia concentration was gradually increased during the transportation process. Thus, a gradual decline in water quality (decreased DO level, increased ammonia concentration, and higher bacterial regrowth) may negatively affect the survival and quality of live fish during transportation.

Key words: Bacterial viable count, Physicochemical parameters, Live fish transportation, Climbing perch

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