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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6089-6107

Workplace Redefined - Emotional Bonding And Working From Home As The New Normal

Dr. Ranjita Banerjee,Dr. Savitha K,Dr. Prakash kumar Patel,Ms. Anuradha Kanchi.


The decision of Governments globally on lock down had adversely affected work-places all over the world, almost simultaneously, across all nations during the outbreak of the pandemic Covid-19. The use of technology during this period world-wide, had been enormous bringing in for new innovations and new practices at the work-place. The aim of the present study is to find out whether work from home and bonding emotionally is a feasible option for employees using online technology, on account of the pandemic outbreak. Data was collected from 167 employees through online survey who have been working from home in the 40 days period between April-May 2020, from across the working professionals in India. This study found a significant difference in emotional bonding, working from home and performance of the employees. The study concluded that workplaces are redefined today practicing new innovative ways to tackle the pandemic and discussed the ‘new normal’.

Key words: COVID-19, Disruption, Emotional Bonding, Lockdown, Workplace, Work from home

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