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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 890-893

Functional outcome of interlocked intramedullary nailing fixation in management of closed tibia shaft fractures

Mohammed Bagir Al-Sharaa, Falih Waheed Hashim, Mohammed Shihab Al-Edanni.


Objective: To assess prospectively functional outcome of interlocked intramedullary nailing fixation in management of closed tibia shaft fractures.
Methodology: This prospective study included 134 patients with closed shaft tibia fractures with age 18-60 years and isolated closed fracture of shaft of tibia. The fractures were fixed by interlocking intramedullary nail. At follow-up after 12 months postoperatively, the functional outcome was assessed radiographically for the sign of union and clinically according to Klemm-Borner criteria.
Results: The mean age was 38.55 years. Out of 134 patients, 55.2% were male. The cause was road traffic accident in 44.8%, majority of the fracture occur in the mid-shaft (41.8%), and oblique fracture was the commonest type which accounted for 35.1%. The anterior knee pain was the commonest complications after surgery (11.9%). More than 90% patient achieved normal or less than 5o angulation. The functional outcome was excellent in 67.9%, good in 29.9% and only 2.2% had fair results.
Conclusion: Interlocking intramedullary nailing is a good choice in the treatment of most closed shaft tibia fractures.

Key words: Interlocking intramedullary nail, closed fracture, tibia fracture.

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