Phosphorus affects the growth, development, maturity, earliness in flowering, fruiting and yield of chilli. The level and availability of phosphorus for chilli depend on the phosphorus already present in soil and climatic conditions. However, sufficient information is not available about the effect of various phosphorus levels on chilli production for the soil with a medium phosphorus level of the inner terai region of Nepal. Thus, the study was carried out to investigate the effect of various phosphorus levels on chilli on the soil having medium phosphorus at the Gadawa-4 Gangaparaspur of Deukhuri valley of the Dang district in 2018. The experiment consisted of six levels of phosphorus viz 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg P ha-1. The single factor experiment was laid in a Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The highest plant height (60.22 cm), number of primary branches (9.60), yield per plant (123.20 g) and per hectare (9.15 t ha-1), and early 50% flowering (44.00 days) were recorded in 90 kg P ha-1. 60 kg P ha-1 showed the highest number of fruits per plant (60.22). The maximum fruit length (6.80 cm) was recorded at 120 kg P ha-1. The study concluded that a 90 kg P ha-1 showed superiority in terms of growth parameters and phenological parameter, yield per plant and per hectare. Therefore, a 90 kg P ha-1 could be used to get the highest yield of chilli for the soil with a medium phosphorus level of inner terai place like Deukhuri, Dang of Nepal.
Key words: Chilli, Growth, Phosphorus level, Yield