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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 123-132

Students Perception of Teachers’ Use of Formative Assessment Strategies in Mathematics Classrooms

Ruth Nanjekho Wafubwa, Peter Okiri Ochieng.


This study examined the perceptions of Kenyan secondary school students regarding the use of formative assessment practices by their mathematics teachers. The sample consisted of 1000 students from 30 secondary schools. The results showed that students had an overall low perception of their mathematics teachers' use of formative assessment, with the lowest perception reflected in the use of monitoring strategies. There was no significant difference in the perceptions of male and female students regarding perceived monitoring strategies but a significant difference regarding the scaffolding strategies was found. Analysis of variance showed a significant effect on school categories. The findings suggest that Kenyan secondary school mathematics teachers rarely use formative assessment but instead use the traditional summative assessment in classrooms. The findings point out the need for establishing the reasons that hinder mathematics teachers’ use of formative assessment and how formative assessment can best be introduced into the classrooms.

Key words: Students’ perceptions, Formative assessment, Monitoring strategies, Scaffolding strategies

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