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Economic Safety Margin of Bombax ceiba Production in Selected Areas of Bangladesh

Md. Abu Saiyem, Shaikh Abdus Sabur, Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan, Mst. Fatema Begum, Mohammad Maksudul Hassan, Mohammad Ismail Hossain.


Bombax ceiba (L.) is a medicinal plant that is grown commercially by the farmers in Bangladesh for its’ roots, where farm revenues are inherently volatile, subject to debilitating diseases, lack of quality varieties, and the vagaries of harsh weather. This study was carried out to determine the profitability of Bombax ceiba root production by assessing costs and returns, their relations, and also the risk-bearing abilities through breakeven and margin of safety analyses. A total of 31 sample Bombax ceiba root producers were purposively interviewed. The overall cost of Bombax ceiba root production was determined to be Tk. 409855.16 per hectare, where labor cost accounting for the major portion of the total cost. The gross and net margins were about Tk. 436431.30 and Tk. 264209.01, respectively. Regression analysis showed that gypsum, TSP, and irrigation have contributed significantly and positively to yield increase (increase revenue), and seed, human labor, and urea cost have caused negative relations on yield. The breakeven analysis indicated that Bombax ceiba root production has a high level of risk-bearing ability in terms of price, yield, and costs. The risk levels were also cleared by the margin of safety percentage, which showed that a 39.11 percent fall in yield or price would result in a profit of just breaking even. It also provides farmers with a comfortable margin of safety on the variable, fixed, and total costs at 111.18, 153.41, and 64.46 percent, respectively. The findings indicated that complete absorption and sale of Bombax ceiba roots should be ensured. The policy should be focused on reducing excess labor use if any in Bombax ceiba roots production activities and a contract marketing system might be a good option to increase revenue and reducing risk and price instability.

Key words: Bombax ceiba root production, profitability, cost-revenue relations, margin of safety percentage, break-even point

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