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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2487-2504

Hybrid Data Integration Architecture For Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning

Mohammed Hussain, Dr. J. Thangakumar.


Cloud-based services and implementations are rapidly growing among higher education institutions and organizations. This provides a challenge to the organisations to redirect their existing integrations, interfaces and API to get the data. The data structure of the cloud is different from the traditional systems and facing challenges for accessing resources. Also, the cloud provides the opportunity to plug and play SaaS products. It allows the institutions to move between different cloud products, but it also provides the challenge of keeping data synchronized seamlessly with the integrations between many third-party systems. The Common Data Model (CDM) encompasses many data entities based on the higher education domain data. In this research work, the Canonical Data Model and Integration Architecture is applied and compared with the direct Peer to Peer data integration from Cloud SaaS system and found this approach effective in terms of performs, maintenance cost and resources. The qualitative and quantitative metrics obtained has been discussed in the result section.

Key words: ERP, Higher Education, Cloud ERP, Data Integration Architecture, Hybrid Integration Architecture and Canonical Data Architecture

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