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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2009; 8(3): 223-230

Relationships Gender and Psychiatric Symptoms with Duration of Internet Use among High School Students

Meral,Kelleci, Nuran,Güler, Hafize,Sezer, Zehra,Gölbaşı.


AIM: The present study aimed to investigate the duration of internet usage in relation with gender and psychiatric symptoms among high school students.
METHODS: Sampling was performed by systematical sampling method and selecting 673 students with similar socio-economical status, claiming to have used the internet, from three high schools located in Sivas. Data were collected using “Individual’s Questionnaire Form” and “Short Symptom’s Inventory and analyzed in SPSS 13.0 software. For the statistical analyses frequency distribution, chi-square and MANOVA were used.
RESULTS: In respect of the duration of internet usage there was a difference between the genders. For 5 h or above durations the percentage of female and male students were found to be 4.5% and 16.8%, respectively (p

Key words: High school students, psychiatric symptoms, internet use, gender

Article Language: Turkish English

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