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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 156-168

Activation of Cognitive Activities of 5-6 Grade Students on Lessons of Labor Learning



The article is devoted to the problem of activation of the cognitive activity of 5-6 grade students in the lessons of labor training. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the pedagogical conditions and develop methods for enhancing the cognitive activity of students in grades 5-6 in the process of studying the technology of household activities and self-service, as well as develop experimental testing of the methods’ effectiveness. The experimental method of revealing the effectiveness of the introduction of pedagogical conditions for the activation of cognitive activity of secondary school students was used. The results allowed to clarify the essence of the concept of activation of cognitive activity, and to study the application of certain pedagogical conditions by teachers of labor training and students' attitudes to learning the basics of everyday life and self-service. The importance of the availability of educational material on household activities and self-service for its assimilation by students, the degree of importance of pedagogical conditions for activating cognitive activity for teachers of labor education, and the dynamics of changes in levels of cognitive activity of students during the study of technology of household activities and self-service were determined. The basic model of activation of the students’ cognitive activity has been proposed.

Key words: domestic activity, self-service, labor training, cognitive activity, activation, pedagogical conditions.

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