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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 169-178

A scoping review research on the dynamics managing of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Harith Yas, Ahmed Alkaabi, Hamdan M. Al Mansoori, Mubarak Masoud, Ahmad Alessa.


The coronavirus pandemic also commonly known COVID-19 has affected various parts of the world rendering a negative impact on people’s lives and properly as well as the global economy. Several strategies have been devised by scientists and other innovators to address the issue of COVID-19 based on its different dynamics. A scoping review research about the dynamics of COVID-19 was conducted with the aid of the Arksey and O’Malley framework. The systematic searches were mostly conducted in ProQuest, Web of Science (WoS), Google Scholar, and Medline whereby key search word such as COVID-19 and coronavirus. The scoping review managed to identify 1,067 documents that were carefully scrutinized based on the provisions of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The eligibility criteria helped in the elimination of 873 documents leaving a sample of 194 documents. Scoping reviews are considered as new methods of reviewing evidence but are increasingly being adopted as the best ways assessing different research problems or concepts. Due to the high variability in the conduct of scoping reviews, there is need for proper methodological standardization which will help to improve the utility and general strength of the evidence.

Key words: Covid-19, Systematic scoping review, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, Epidemiology

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