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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 228-236

Determining Factors That Affect the Quality of Process and Training Results of Non-formal PAUD Educators in Indonesia

Joko Sutarto, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Imam Shofwan.


This study aims to analyze the determinant of the quality of the process and the results of training of paud non-formal educators in central JavaProvince, Indonesia. Determinant factors include exogenous variables (predisposing factor, leadership, training climate, cost, infrastructure, training planning, training implementation. While endogenous variables are the use of e-training and training results. Research method using quantitative approach, survey method in the form of correlational by analyzing confirmatori factors. Sampling techniques are randomly proportional based on training classes. The number of research samples was determined by Solvin formula, amounting to 183 respondents of Non-formal PAUD educators in Central Java who participated in e-training-based training. Data collection using questionnaire with likert scale, data analysis with structuralequation modeling measurement (SEM). The results showed that exogenous variables against the highest training result variables and strong palig influence is the training planning variable of 0.393. While the variables without influence on training results with the existence of e-training are trends, leadership, and training factors.

Key words: quality of training process, training results, use of e-training

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