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Qualitative Evaluation of Slaughterhouse Bovine Ovaries by Histological Study

M.A.M. Yahia Khandoker, Tasmina Akter, Prem AL S Ananthan.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological and histomorphological attributes of different stages of follicular population of bovine ovaries. Total twelve ovaries were collected from Brahman cows and classified as ovary with corpus luteum (CL) and ovary without CLgroup. Among the ovaries, 75% having no CL and 25% having CL. The mean weight of ovaries with CL and ovaries without CL were 8.47±0.38 and 8.19±0.20 g, respectively. The number of visible follicles on the surface of the ovaries without CL (26.04±0.19) were significantly (P

Key words: Bovine ovaries, Corpus luteum, Follicular population, Histology

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