Background: A pilonidal sinus disease (PNSD) is a chronic inflammatory disease, which mainly affects the young and active people of working age group. Since its high rate and recurrence, the aim of this study was to identify surgeon's attitude and current practices among surgeons, in relation to the most effective technical aspects and surgical procedures for elective management of PNSD. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was designed to assess the attitudes and practices of surgeons of Taif city, Saudi Arabia, during the period from 1 January to 31 January 2019. Data were collected by distributing a pre-designed structured questionnaire. Results: From 100 surveys, 79 surgeons responded. About half of respondent surgeons (N = 42) performed off-midline flap procedures; karydakis (N = 22), limberg (N = 18), cleft lift (N = 2), and duformental (N = 0). 20.3% of surgeons performed excision and open wound healing, 15.2% performed primary midline closure, and 11.4% performed pit procedures. Conclusion: There is no agreement among surgical consultants about the best management of PNSD. It is accepted that evidence-based medicine dictates that a firm conclusion regarding the superiority of one form of management over another requires a prospective double blind controlled study involving randomly selected patients.
Key words: Pilonidal sinus disease, PNSD, off-midline flap, open wound healing, surgeon.