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Case Report

Breast lumps are not always primary CA; ours turned out to be metastatic deposit of melanoma

Zainab Malik,Zenab Farooq,Khurram Khaliq Bhinder,Khalid Shakeel Babar,Shaista Riaz.

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The incidence of primary mammary neoplasms, both benign and malignant, has drastically raised in recent times. However, cases of secondary metastatic deposits in the breast, without any known primary malignancy history, have only rarely been documented in the literature. Melanoma of the breast is a sparse existence, presenting as either primary or metastatic from other solid neoplasms. Extra-mammary origin of malignant melanoma and the breast as the focus of secondary metastatic deposits; with the chief presenting complaint of a breast lump is a novel diagnostic trivia. A case of a premenopausal female with metastatic melanoma in her breast is being reported here.

Key words: Malignant Melanoma , Breast Carcinoma , Mammary Neoplasm , Metastatic Deposit.

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