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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 267-276

Implementation of Total Quality Management as Efforts to Improve Quality of Primary School Education Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period



The COVID-19 pandemic has forced offline learning into online learning that utilizes technology. Although the system has changed, the quality of education services needs to be improved. One of the method is using Total Quality Management (TQM) in elementary schools. This study aims to know the quality of education services during this pandemic and analyze the effect of implementing TQM to improve the education services. The study was conducted with a quantitative descriptive design. Data was collected using a questionnaire filled by parents of students and teachers. The data were analyzed using Chi Square. The results of the data analysis showed that during this pandemic, the quality of education services was in the 'sufficient' category. However, when the TQM implementation was carried out, the service quality improved to the ‘good’ category. So it can be said that the application of TQM can improve the education services in schools.

Key words: Pandemic COVID-19, Total Quality Management, Primary schools

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