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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3006-3014

Transforming Education Together: Appropriation Of Socioemotional Knowledge In The Context Of A Pandemic

Ramirez Valencia Astrid, Ortiz Sanchez Luz Marilyn.


The learning of human beings about the world and life, occurs from the processes of interaction and appropriation of the tools provided by their cognitive environment, this appropriation of knowledge and construction of life is regulated by the relationship between the self, the self and the other, in the various processes of socialization and in the processes of negotiation and cognitive mediation between subjects.
These basic socioemotional elements to build knowledge have been highly affected in the context of pandemic due to the social distancing to which we are subjected and the closure of educational institutions, in the current context the social fabric built cooperatively as a social brain has been seriously affected.
The position of this paper is precisely about pedagogical strategies in the context of pandemic that value and rescue a socioemotional education. This research exercise was carried out from the development of the module of Cognition and multimedia thinking process from the specialization in human development with emphasis on affective processes and creativity, curricular project of the Faculty of Science and Education of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas of Bogotá, Colombia.
The research is of a qualitative nature, assumed as interdisciplinary social research, the population is constituted by a group of 8 students of the specialization in human development, their families and students of early childhood, elementary and middle school.
It consists of four phases 1. Intervention and analysis of texts with the students of the postgraduate program in human development in the classrooms. 2. Application of workshops that contribute to the socio-emotional and systemic development of our students. 3, application of these workshops to early childhood, elementary and middle school students. 4. Life histories of the families of the graduate students who attended the classes, life histories of the teachers and the children.
The triangulation of the results shows the importance of understanding the perspective of current education under other paradigms that take into account the emotional subject from their empathic relationships.

Key words: Social-emotional education, deconstruction, empathy, thought processes

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