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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6301-6308

Employee Welfare Measures In Private Sector Enterprises: A Study Of Select Cement Industrial Unites In Kalaburagi District



Employees play an important role in the expansion and growth of the organization. Many steps have been taken in recent years by both private and public sectors organization to increase the benefits for their employees who lead to improve their work efficiency. Generally benefits to the employees of an organization were medical facility; education to their children’s, etc. and some other facility were safety measures during work, proper lightening, environmental condition in work places etc.
The present paper titled “Employee Welfare Measures in private sector enterprises: A study of select cement Industrial Unites in Kalaburagi District” Majorly focuses on the types of problems faced by the employees in the select organization and the type of facilities provided by the select organization in their work places.

Key words: Introduction, Objective, Research Methodology, Data Analysis and Conclusion & Discussion

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