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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2021; 7(1, Jan- June 2021): 15-20

Critical appraisal of Ayurveda nutraceuticals in the management of undernourished in children

Mamta Tiwari, Neeru Nathani, & G.P. Dubey.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Malnutrition is the most widespread health and nutrition concern globally while undernutrition is the problem specifically seen in developing countries. It is a significant global health challenge, with dire implications for the growth, development and immune response of children in all ages.

Aim: This article attempts to explore the various dietary and drug interventions mentioned in Ayurveda for the nourishing therapy (Brimhana) to treat undernutrition.

Material and methods: Information have been collected from screening thoroughly different classical texts of Ayurveda, e-databases, journal publications and other related publications till date.

Observations: The important aetiology in the disease Karshya (undernutrition) is the depletion of Rasa Dhatu (plasma), which should be addressed through the appropriate use of dietary preparations in form of nutraceuticals and medicinal products. The wide variety of the food items and herbal drug preparations with property to enrich the nutrient pool, improve the digestive capacity and promote the growth and development are promising interventions to tackle mild to moderate under nutrition in children.

Conclusion: The detail study of the topic in the ancient and modern literature decipher that the Karshya (undernutrition) condition referred to in Ayurveda that has similar aetiology and characteristics as undernutrition. The Ayurveda approaches to treat the condition of undernutrition by Brimhana Chikitsa in form of the food and drug preparations can be made used to attain proper growth and development in children by improving the quality and quantity of Dhatu mainly Rasa Dhatu and functions of Agni in the body

Key words: Ayurveda interventions, Karshya, Malnutrition, Nutraceuticals, Undernutrition

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