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A study on change in bone mineral density with Vitamin D supplementation in elderly Indian population

Panna Mishra, Vikas Trivedi, Divya Srivastava.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: There are various scientific studies in literature which have pointed high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in elderly Indian population but there is no study which has shown that adequate Vitamin D supplementation can improve the bone and muscle health or increase the bone mineral density (BMD) in this age group.

Aims and Objectives: (1) The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the role of Vitamin D supplementation in the improvement of BMD in elderly Indian population. (2) The secondary objective is to observe the change in serum Vitamin D levels by oral supplementation of Vitamin D in this age group.

Materials and Methods: This is a randomized controlled study of total 80 elderly subjects. All subjects had Vitamin D levels

Key words: Bone Mineral Density; Vitamin D; T-score

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