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Evaluation of the relationship between southwest wind parameters and hospital applications related to headache symptoms

Hatice Seyma Akca, Sumeyra Acar Kurtulus, Deniz Tengerek, Berra Kalkavan, Serkan Emre Eroglu.


Although it is known that headache can be caused by many factors, it is difficult to assess whether it is related to meteorological data. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between headache observed in patients presenting to emergency units and the Southwest wind parameters.This was a prospective study including patients over 18 years of age who had presented to the University of Health Sciences Ümraniye Education and Research Hospital emergency unit with headache symptoms between 01.01.2017 and 31.06.2017. The patient data were compared to the parameter “presence of southwest wind”, which was obtained from the Forests, Water Sources and Meteorology Directorate Office of Republic of Turkey. Records that were determined to comprise insufficient data were excluded during the data collection.
A total of 286 patients were investigated in our prospective study. 93 patients (32.5%) had presented on days when there was southwest wind. 187 had no diagnosed type of headache and were evaluated to have primary headache. Primary headache was more common in patients with no wind exposure, which was statistically significant (p

Key words: Southwest wind, headache, meteorologycal parameters, hospital application with headache symptoms, wind parameters

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