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EJMCR. 2021; 5(5): 154-159

Imaging of inguino-scrotal urinary bladder hernias

Antonio Gligorievski.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Herniation of urinary bladder through the inguinal canal is a rare disease that requires surgery. The resulting combination of failure of the abdominal wall and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure occurs prolapse of the urinary bladder in the inguinal canal and the occurrence of inguino-scrotal hernia.
Case Presentation: This phenomenon is very rare and often misdiagnosed. It occurs more often in older men with increased body weight and symptoms of distal urinary obstruction and urinary infections. The symptoms usually are mild to moderate, associated with hindered urination and urinary infections, and if this condition is promptly left untreated it can lead to serious health problems, such as renal failure. computed tomography reconstruction in three planes is the method of choice in the diagnosis of inguino-scrotal hernia of the bladder.
Conclusion: This method provides a clear display of the herniated part of the urinary bladder and allows detection of the contents of the hernia sac.

Key words: CT, inguino-scrotal hernia, urinary bladder, US, contents of the hernia sac.

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