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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2883-2888

Fabrication And Characterization Of 1% Indium Doped Thin Film Cdse0.3Te0.7 /Polyiodide Photoelectrochemical Solar Cell

Laxmikant P. Damodare.


Photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar cell were fabricated using an aqueous poly-iodide electrolyte in junction with vacuum evaporated 1% Indium doped thin films of CdSe0.3Te0.7 were coated with thickness of ≈400 nm photoanode on conducting glass at a pressure of 5 ×10^(-5) torr held at room temperature. The as-grown thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and optical absorption. It is found that there is a large prevalence of CdTe and a small presence of CdSe leading to an overall cubic structure. The optical band gap of the thin film of 1% Indium doped CdSe0.3Te0.7 was E_g≈1.55 eV. The photoelectrochemical solar cells showed a solar power conversion efficiency of η≈1.05 %.

Key words: Fabrication ,Characterization , Indium , Polyiodide , Photoelectrochemical

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