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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2943-2950

“A Comparative Study Of Hollywood And Kollywood Films With Reference To CGI Elements”

M. Bala Kumar, Dr. P. Sri Jothi.


The main objective of this research is to investigate the key differences of CGI elements and other key advances between the two different movie industries, namely Hollywood and Kollywood. This research work is based on the new approach called a comparative case study approach. This type of comparative case study method analyzes the logic underlying the overall comparison and contrast and the search for the origin between industries. Such an approach allows us to study differences such as culture, space, place and context. A CGI transformation, the analysis of four separate case studies was studied using a coding sheet. For the analysis four movies I, Robot (2004), Troy (2004), 2.0 (2018),and Baahubali 2-The conclusion (2017), were selected. The content analysis method is adapted to analyze the CGI elements.These films were chosen because of their similarities in genres, content and production methods..The study concludes that there is a significant difference in the application of technology between the two film industries, Hollywood and Kollywood. In addition, advanced concepts like artificial intelligence, humanoid and the confrontation between men and machines were introduced over a decade ago in Hollywood.The technology behind the application of computer graphics, visual effects, special effects, and advanced thoughts are based on various factors such as genres, film market size, cultural differences, scientific temperament, space, place and movie context.This research shows that there is more scope in the Kollywood film industry to apply futuristic technology to reach the widest audience. This research also demonstrates the massive availability of tech-oriented market for technically advanced films. The research results clearly demonstrate the transformation techniques and ideologies of movie making trends in Kollywood films.

Key words: Computer Graphics, Hollywood movies, Tamil film industry, Comparative case study, Visual effects, Genre, Transformation, Trends of film industry

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