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Cost variation analysis of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs available as single formulation in the Indian market

Kamayani Gupta, Akash Vishwe, Poonam Patel, Richa Malani, Prem Nyati, Suraj Tripathi.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most commonly prescribed and over the counter (OTC) used drugs worldwide for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-pyretic properties. India being a hub for pharmaceutical industries, manufacture large number of branded and generic drugs. Thus, there is wide variation in their cost. Prescribing drug without considering the cost of therapy may result in loss of compliance or imposes economic burden on patient.

Aim and Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate existing price variation of different single NSAIDs formulations available in Indian market.

Materials and Methods: Price of NSAIDs manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies in India, in the same strength, was obtained from Current Index of Medical Specialties, January-April 2020, Drug Today October-December 2019, and 1 Difference in the maximum to minimum price of the same formulation manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies and percentage cost variation was calculated.

Results: price of 14 NSAIDs that are available in 56 different formulations and manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies was obtained and evaluated. Study shows largest variation with Nimesulide 100 mg (5476.74%), piroxicam DT 20 (3071.46%), piroxicam 20 mg (2853.36%), diclofenac 50 mg (2786%), Aceclofenac 100 mg (2345.6%), and ibuprofen 400 mg (1198.70%) and minimum variation was seen with Aspirin 150 mg (90.47%) in oral formulations. All formulations of Diclofenac injection show very high price variation. Diclofenac 1% gel shows maximum price variation of 778.66% while Nimesulide 1% gel shows minimum variation of 159.32%.

Conclusion: Our study finding showed significant cost variation in different brand of NSAIDs available in India. The physician must choose the drug on the basis of cost and rationality rather than on the basis of claims done by various pharmaceutical companies. Modifications in pharmaceutical policy with strict control on huge price variations are the need of time.

Key words: Price Variation; Cost Analysis; Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Pharmaceutical Companies

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