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Original Research

RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 503-506

Correlation between smoking behavior and blood pressure among teenagers in Bima, Indonesia

Martiningsih Thahir, Nurul Inayati, Ahmad Dahlan, Syaiful Ahmad.


Objective: To identify smoking behavior, its correlation with blood pressure, and correlation factors in blood pressure of teenage smoker.
Methodology: This correlational descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 108 teenage smokers at five public senior high school in Bima (grade 10-11, aged 15-17 years old). We used simple random sampling and self-report smoking behavior and blood pressure measurement. Blood pressure measurement was taken in a sitting and resting position 2 times.
Results: Out of 108 students, 93 (86.1%) were active smokers in 3 months, 18 (16.7%) started smoking at

Key words: Smoking behavior, blood pressure, teenager smoking.

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