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Assessing the physical activity level among physical therapist

Jigar N Mehta, Nirav Vaghela, Priyanshi Pandya, Riya Sheth, Sanjana Chauhan.

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Background: Physical activity (PA) helps to prevent the first- and second-degree prevention of chronic diseases and premature death. Hence, the survey project assesses the intensity of PA among physical therapists. The profession of a physical therapist requires more physical strength and endurance to do exercises to the patient.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to measure the PA level of physical therapist.

Materials and Methods: It is a descriptive observational study, in which the physical therapists and postgraduate students in the state of Gujarat were selected for the survey study. The International PA Questionnaire (IPAQ) is accessible in public domain which was transformed into a Google form, sent by email to each participant. The participants were compulsorily required to fill their email id and age. This questionnaire was sent to 342 participants of that 106 responded.

Results: About 30% of participants responded to the Google form of questionnaire, of which 78% of the responses were included in the study. About 65.6% of participants did vigorous PA. About 24.9% of participants did moderate PA. About 10.84% of participants did low PA.

Conclusion: It concluded from the survey study that vigorous activity is more prevalent among physical therapist. The mean age of vigorous and moderate PA is lower than the mean age of low PA.

Key words: Physical Activity; Physical Therapist; International Physical Activity Questionnaire

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