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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 317-324

Identification of English Writing Anxiety and Methods to Reduce Stress among Elementary School Students

Dr. Saghir Ahmad Ch.,*Dr. Ayesha Batool, Dr. Sadaf Naz, Anjum Qayyum.


The purpose of the study was identification of English writing anxiety and methods to reduce stress among elementary school students. Anxiety is defined as a feeling of being very worried about something that may happen or may have happened, so that you think about it all the time. The ultimate goal of school is to enable the students to think positively, critically and analyze the problems. The study was descriptive and correlational in nature. The elementary school students of Lahore division were part of the population. However, the total sample of the study was 200 elementary school students. A questionnaire was developed related to English writing anxiety and methods to reduce stress on 5 point likert scale. There were six sub-factors of English writing anxiety for example General worries, Class performance, Teacher stress, Peer pressure, Language difficulties, and Writing pressure. Data were analyzed by applying different statistical techniques. Mostly students were agreed that they feel uncertainty during tests in English and fear about making mistakes in the English. Repeatedly practice and home work may be fruitful to inculcate the foreign language interest among students.

Key words: English, writing, anxiety, stress, elementary students

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