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Clinical profile and management of foreign body ingestion in children

Mohammed Abdul Baseer, Nandkishor Dhanvantrao Shinde, Sam Joy.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: This study is conducted to estimate the type, location, clinical features of the ingested foreign bodies, its complication and management at tertiary care center.
Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted from February 2016 to January 2021. All the children below 12 years of age with a history of ingestion of foreign bodies and confirmation on imaging were included.
The demographic and clinical details like Age, Sex, Clinical features, anatomical location, type, management, complications, and outcome were recorded. All the patients were subjected to plain X-ray radiograph of thoraco-abdominal region within the first hour of their presentation.
Results: During this study period, 72 children of foreign body ingestions were included. The age of the children ranged from 3 months to 12 years with a mean age of 5.1years.
In our study, the clinical presentation was abdominal pain (27.78%), vomiting (18%), hematemesis (2.7%), drooling or food refusal (2.7%), and foreign body feeling (1.4%) whereas 35 children were completely asymptomatic (48.6%).
Foreign bodies that were ingested were coins (52.77%), followed by button batteries, plastic toys (8.33% each), screws (6.94%), Needles, safety pins, pins, small stones 4.16% each, marbles, magnetic balls (2.77%) each, Glass piece 1(1.38%).
In our study 25% of foreign bodies were removed with endoscopy, 8.33% of foreign bodies required operative intervention. And remaining 66.67% of foreign bodies were passed naturally without intervention.
Conclusion: Children with ingested foreign body are mostly asymptomatic and most of the ingested foreign bodies pass through the intestine without any complications. Early recognition and appropriate management can reduce morbidity.

Key words: Foreign body ingestions, Endoscopy, Children, Coins, Batteries

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