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Knowledge and practices of chronotherapeutics among health-care professionals in a tertiary care teaching institute of South Rajasthan

Meenu Pichholiya, Arvind Kumar Yadav, Sangita Gupta.

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Background: Chronotherapeutics deals with scheduling of drug regimen in alignment with biological rhythms. Diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, neurological and psychiatric disorders, and certain cancers are related to circadian rhythms in human beings, hence, maximum health benefits can be obtained and minimal adverse effects due to a drug are likely to be experienced if clinicians comply with this approach.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to assess and compare the knowledge and practice of chronopharmacology and chronotherapeutics among practicing health-care professionals which include the faculty and residents belonging to various clinical departments.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational questionnaire-based study was carried out in a tertiary care teaching institute of South Rajasthan. The validated questionnaire was given personally to the health-care professionals belonging to various clinical departments. Number and percentage of the responses furnished by the faculty as well as residents were calculated and compared.

Results: Among the health-care professionals, significant number of faculty (80, i.e., 73%) had never heard the terms chronopharmacology and chronotherapeutics in comparison to residents (46, i.e., 43%). Significant number of faculty, namely, 104 (95%) as compared to residents, namely, 87 (81%) agreed that correct timing of drug administration is always mentioned in their prescription. Seventy-two (65%) faculty and 31 (29%) residents affirmed that they had encountered a situation, where a prescribed drug was less effective due to incorrect timing of drug intake.

Conclusion: The present study concludes that significant number of faculty was nurturing chronotherapeutics unknowingly in spite of being unfamiliar with the term. Their willingness to practice chronotherapy and include it in medical curriculum indicates their realization of its importance for better clinical outcomes.

Key words: Chronopharmacology; Chronotherapeutics; Circadian Rhythm; Health-care Professionals

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