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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(1): 048-051

Antinociceptive, Anti-gastric ulcerogenic and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Standardized Egyptian Pomegranate Peel Extract

Rola Milad Labib, Sherweit Hamed El-Ahmady.


The utilization of the peels of the widely popular pomegranate fruit is the subject of this study. This biowaste product, which has been under study for some time as a source of potential bioactive constituents is investigated for its biological activity. A method for the extract standardization was developed using HPLC and ellagic acid as a reference standard. Results revealed that the pomegranate methanolic extract exhibited potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity comparable to indomethacin, used as a reference, and furthermore, caused no gastric ulcer formation.

Key words: Punica, husk, ellagic acid, HPLC, antinociceptive, anti-gastric ulcerogenic, anti-inflammatory

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